Harvest Church Caloundra

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- COVID (Control, Oppress, Victimise, Isolate, Divide)
During the "plandemic" the mandates, lockdowns & forced / coerced medical treatment which resulted in medical tyranny, brushing aside all democratic freedoms based on so-called "expert" & "scientific" advice implemented (past & present) in various forms & severity around by governments & businesses / corporations has been unnecessary & even potentially harmful: https://youtu.be/cYUKR7-NgTQ?si=O6z_V2PPqudKHpyB https://youtu.be/abrIaFLExRI?si=YCjFtvUhjN38_L0m Also too harsh, extreme overreach, compassionless, unscientific, diabolical & hypocritical (bottle shops & brothels were allowed to stay open, football games continued, but church services were not allowed) , ineffective, unconstitutional (1947 Nuremburg Code) & pushed by un- elected Globalist powers & large Corporations with ulterior motives. How terrible & heartless that people in the medical profession & firefighters who did not go along with this were not permitted to return to work, weddings & funerals could not be attended by loved ones, though even then there was enough evidence that it does not stop transmission & is not that "safe & effective". Pastors, churches & Christian organisations at large who just used Romans 13 as a weak excuse, to obey (submission & obedience are not the same thing) to these ungodly mandates (which are not laws) & potentially harmful untested medications do not understand the Biblical, Historical, Prophetic & Political context and set by silently, instead of standing up & speaking out in courage. The churches & pastors who fully obeyed these mandates allowed governments to control who could attend church & went along with segregating or even worse refusing entry for people who were conscientious objectors to certain not properly tested medical drugs & there God-given & constitutional rights & freedom, need to repent of this error. It is all about control not health: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pPHj4LuJZg4 Please also listen to an excellent & passionate speech from Pauline Hanson in parliament on 14/08/2024, the best I have heard till so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALdVitoNrjM There were also plenty of other sources & voices besides the MSM to make an informed decision not to along with this, which we did as a church, we are not saying this on hindsight: https://youtu.be/fvf5yEo__ZY If this is not resolved & we "just move on" we are bound to repeat this or worse! This is unreconcilable with the Gospel we preach. Have we learned from this? This has been the greatest medical experiment unleashed on mankind & the lasting harmful effects are now starting to show, not to mention the mental & economic lasting damage on society. More tests like this or worse are coming, be prepared. Where do you stand as a believer, pastor / leader or church? Please take these Scriptures below to heart: 2 Peter 3:16 (Referring also to wrong interpretation of Romans 13:1-2) speaking about these things as he does in all of his letters. In which there are some things that are difficult to understand, which the untaught and unstable [who have fallen into error] twist and misinterpret, just as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. Psalm 94:20 Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, One which frames and devises mischief by decree [under the sacred name of law]? Nehemiah 9:37 Because of our sins, its abundant harvest goes to the kings you have placed over us. They rule over our bodies and our cattle as they please. We are in great distress.
- A growing push back against the "covid plandemic mandates" & the untested & dangerous experimental "vaccines".
Two photos below showing the David Declaration Please back the David Declaration that nearly 100 national and international medical, scientific and law experts have signed Fully aligned with One Nation’s aims to bring justice to the perpetrators of what is now clearly the inhuman, fraudulent response to Covid We seek COMPENSATION from Big Pharma for all victims, whether of Covid injections & mandates or of lockdowns & unscientific restrictions We want CARE, TREATMENT & CURE for the crippling effects in many people who got the Covid spike protein injections We want restoration of CHOICE as essential for restoring ACCOUNTABILITY & thereby TRUTH & then JUSTICE We want APOLOGIES to those affected A sample of the early signatories from Australia, USA, Europe, … include eminent doctors, research scientists & statisticians across many medical fields, plus ethicists, lawyers, economists, … Prof Angus Dalgleish Emeritus Prof Wendy HoyEmeritus Prof Robert ClancyKevin McKernan Dr David J. SpeicherProf Paul E MarikProf Ian BrighthopeProf Robyn Cosford Dr Christopher Neil Kara Thomas Dr Julie Sladden Dr Duncan Syme Dr Andrew McIntyre Magnus A Mansie Dr Jessica Rose A/Prof Mark JonesProf Gigi Foster Dr Raphael LatasterJulian Gillespie Prof Augusto ZimmermannProf Gabriel Moens AM Peter Fam Katie Ashby-Koppens Prof Brendan VoteProf Paul FrijtersProf Geoff ForbesA/Prof Peter ParryA/Prof Jonathan D GilthorpeA/Prof Michael SladdenA/Prof Maarten FornerodDr Angela Jeanes Dr Jeyanthi KunadhasanDr Vibeke MannicheDr Luke McLindonDr Conny TurniDr Nicholas J. HudsonDr Astrid LefringhausenDr Andrew MadryDr Monique O’ConnorDr Shirley PragerDr Kylie O'BrienDr Matthew RoutleyDr Julian FidgeDr Sven RománDr Geoff PainDr Marcin ZiemskiDr Jeanne Annette RungbyDr Jan HeathChristof Plothe DOWilliam D H Parry … And a growing list of professionals internationally including us as pastors and on behalf of Harvest Church Caloundra. We as a church have taken this stand from the beginning of the so-called mandates "for our safety": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvf5yEo__ZY
- Santa Claus and Satan's Cause & Claws
Quite some years ago already , I heard about churches having "Santa" or any sort of pagan paraphernalia included in some of their Christmas services. I know that apostacy has been prophesied, but you still sometimes stand in amazement what pastors introduce & allow in their churches. I personally think you have lost the plot, if you do as a pastor & church as a whole. The modern-day Santa Claus is an American version of Saint Nicholas, a fourth century Roman Catholic bishop from Asia Minor who was noted for his good deeds and gift giving. This tradition first spread throughout Europe, and then found its way to America by the early Dutch settlers. Since God's word warns us to BEWARE of tradition (Col. 2:8), we shouldn't be surprised to find the Devil right in the middle of the world's most celebrated holiday. Lucifer's desire has always been to dethrone God and exalt himself (Isa. 14:12-15). He desires worship (Luke 4:7; II Ths. 2:3-4). Perhaps you've never thought of it, but please note how Satan robs the Lord Jesus Christ of His glory by spreading the Santa Claus tradition... SANTA IS ETERNAL a child knows nothing of his beginning. To a child, Santa has just always existed. JESUS CHRIST IS ETERNAL "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." (Rev. 1:8) SANTA LIVES IN THE NORTH Tradition holds that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, a place ABOVE the rest of us. JESUS CHRIST LIVES IN THE NORTH "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King." (Psa. 48:2) SANTA WEARS RED CLOTHING Santa wears a red furry suit. JESUS CHRIST WEARS RED CLOTHING "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God." (Rev. 19:13) SANTA HAS WHITE HAIR Santa is always pictured as an old man with white hair like wool. JESUS CHRIST HAS WHITE HAIR "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;" (Rev. 1:14) SANTA FLIES AROUND GIVING GIFTS Santa has the ability to defy the laws of gravity and fly around giving gifts to people. JESUS CHRIST ASCENDED AND GAVE GIFTS UNTO MEN "But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." (Eph. 4:7-8) SANTA IS COMING SOON During the Christmas season it is emphasized over and over that "Santa is coming". JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON "He which testifies these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." (Rev. 22:20) SANTA IS OMNISCIENT Children are taught that Santa "knows when you've been good, and he knows when you've been bad". JESUS CHRIST IS OMNISCIENT "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." (Pro. 15:3) "And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?" (Mat. 9:4) SANTA IS OMNIPOTENT He has the ability to carry presents for over a billion children. JESUS CHRIST IS OMNIPOTENT "And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." (Mat. 28:18) SANTA IS OMNIPRESENT Santa must be omnipresent, because he has the ability to visit over a billion homes in a twenty-four hour period. That's over 1100 per second! JESUS CHRIST IS OMNIPRESENT "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Mat. 18:20) SANTA HAS SPIRIT HELPERS CALLED ELVES Webster, 1828: "ELF...a spirit, the night-mar; a ghost, hag, witch" JESUS CHRIST HAS SPIRIT HELPERS CALLED ANGELS "Then the devil left him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him." (Mat. 4:11) SANTA - SANAT - SATAN? Sanat Kumara is worshipped by some new age groups as God. H.P. Blavatsky, the mother of the new age movement, said on page 350 of her book, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2: "The name isn't important. It is the letters". "Santa" has the same letters as "Satan"! According to G.A. Riplinger, "Ole Nick" is listed as the name of a fallen angel in the Dictionary of Fallen Angels. (New Age Bible Versions, Gail Riplinger, pg. 53) Friend, don't glorify Satan by giving the glory and attributes of Jesus Christ to Santa Claus! Santa is a COUNTERFEIT GOD, and you are honouring Satan when you teach your children to believe in Santa! Christians should teach their children the TRUTH. We should glorify God by teaching our children about Jesus Christ and His saving grace!
- Islam & "Palestinians" distorting the Bible & History
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#inbox?projector=1 For those who love Jesus, Israel & the Jews in general we have had to justify the Jewishness of our Messiah more then ever before. The de-judaization of Yeshua is not a new concept, but until recently, taking His Jewish roots away from Him was always done to make Yeshua more into a blue eyes/blond hair Gentile than anything else. For the most part, when people made Yeshua look more like a Gentile than a Jew, it was either out of ignorance or possibly because of a mild case of cultural appropriation. When corrected, these people usually accept the fact that Jesus was a Jew. "Christian" Palestinianism Jesus, the “Palestinian” comes from a completely different agenda. It is still considered an attempt at the dejudaization of Yeshua, but for different reasons. It falls into one of the three Ds of Natan Sharansky’s antisemitism test. Trying to turn Yeshua into a Palestinian is part of the delegitimization agenda of the enemies of Israel. The concept would have never worked two or three decades ago, but armed with patience, the pro-Palestinian faction pressed on with their propaganda. Historical revisionism finally seems to be paying off. During the 2024 Christmas season, the Vatican received a gift from Palestinian artists. It was a baby Jesus, Joseph, and Mary made out of olivewood, resting in a manger… wait for it… the manger was covered with the Palestinian keffiyeh (head covering made popular by PLO leader Yasir Arafat.) A photo of Pope Francis sitting in a wheelchair and admiring the nativity scene was circulated worldwide through the Internet, only to quickly be removed after receiving a lot of backlash. The Palestinian Jesus was borne out of a faulty theology known as Christian Palestinianism. It is the same theology promoted by the creators of “Christ at the Checkpoint.” The agenda aims at re-writing history to take everything Jewish out of the Bible, including Jesus’ Jewish heritage and identity. Christian Palestinianism is Replacement Theology on steroids and is very dangerous. Here are six reasons why: A Distortion of God’s Word The promise of Genesis 12:1-3, made by God to Abraham and the Jewish people, still stands. Blessings or curses will follow those who treat Israel and the Jewish people accordingly. The land boundaries of Genesis 15:18-20 have never changed and have yet to be fully fulfilled: “To your descendants I have given this land, From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: the Kenite and the Kenizzite and the Kadmonite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Rephaim and the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Girgashite and the Jebusite.” Why is it that almost nobody questions the historical and biblical revisionism of people like Stephen Sizer, Naim Ateek, Elias Chacour, Munther Isaacs, Gary Burge, Hank Hanegraaff, and the like? We are seeing 21st-century Christians blinded by reports of occupation and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians completely turn their back on Israel. But even more than changing one’s interpretation of the Bible, we also witness rejection of the inspired Word of God. A Rejection of God’s Word Christian Palestinianist Naim Ateek wrote in Sabeel’s newsletter Cornerstone: “The lesson is clear for me: whatever does not agree with the hermeneutic of God’s love for all people has no authority for us and must not be read even if it is written in the Bible…Jesus had a hermeneutic of God’s love for all people and Isaiah’s words did not comply with that criterion.” This desire to ignore and even reject Scripture from the Old Testament simply because it appears to be “in conflict” with later teachings of Yeshua is strangely reminiscent of Islam’s “Law of Abrogation,” when Qur’anic verses can be annulled when historically superseded by contradicting ones. Such an approach to God’s Word is inherently wrong, yet many Evangelicals take their lead from people like Naim Ateek on what they perceive to be a valid biblical approach to the Middle East crisis. Biblical illiteracy is running rampant within the Evangelical Church, and it creates a very shaky foundation upon which historical revisionism can be built with very little challenge, if any. Christian Palestinianists excel at biblical revisionism. In both cases of distortion and rejection of God’s Word, the authority of the Bible is put in question. The God of the Bible, who is the God of Israel, as well as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is made into a different god. This allows for the insertion of a revised agenda favoring the Palestinian people at the expense of Israel and the Jewish people. The concept of Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) being the Palestinian homeland and that of the existence of a native Palestinian people were already looming over the horizon a couple of decades ago, but today, it is no longer discussed. The land ownership is accepted without questions. The false premise of a biblical Palestine was propaganda long enough to become truth, with there no longer being a need to have the information checked for biblical accuracy. A One-Sided Reconciliation Accusations of “apartheid,” “colonization,” “ethnic cleansing,” or “Nazification” of Palestine are constantly brought up without ever speaking of terrorism, rocket attacks, human rights violations, or bloody murder ordered by Palestinian leadership of both Fatah and Hamas. Islamic terrorism is simply dismissed and, in some cases, even justified. Christian Palestinianism offers a one-sided reconciliation, and that, of course, is no reconciliation at all. God is not a Covenant Breaker Christian Palestinianism changes God from a covenant maker and keeper to a covenant breaker. While it might not be clear to many Evangelicals yet, for Christian Palestinianism to exist, Israel has to cease to exist. What better way to postulate that Israel has become irrelevant than to say that God’s covenants with the Jewish people have been changed? If God had reneged on His covenant or changed the original recipients of His covenantal blessings, it would become obvious that He is done with Israel and the Jews. But God never changed His mind when He said to Abraham: “I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” If God were a covenant breaker, He would also have to be a liar. 1 Samuel 15:29 tells us otherwise: “Also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind.” A Demonization of Israel Once one is convinced that God is finished with Israel and the Jews, it becomes easier to extrapolate the generalization that Israel is the cause of evil against the Palestinians. The accusations against Israel come from Palestinians, Liberals, and some Evangelicals. They come so strongly that, at times, it becomes difficult to define one source from another. Additionally, the liberal media has absolutely no other agenda than demonizing the victims and victimizing the perpetrators. Facts no longer matter in our postmodern global village. As a matter of fact, radical anti-Zionism is now part of the fabric of society and is in the process of becoming the standard by which one measures his/her degree of tolerance and multiculturalism. French author Pierre-André Taguieff developed it further in his book Israel et la Question Juive when he wrote: “Intellectual and political conformism moves alongside radical anti-Zionism, having nothing to do with a critique of Israel’s politics but rather aiming at the final destruction of the Jewish State.” A Promotion of Islam In her book Eurabia: the Euro-Arab Axis, Jewish author and activist, Bat Ye’or, describes Christian Palestinianism as “Palestinian Marcionism:” “The Christian policy that would eliminate the Jewish source of Christianity by suppressing the link between the Hebrew Bible and the Gospels represents an old and lingering trend, always opposed by the Church. Today, Palestinian Marcionism (Palestinianism) paves the way for the Islamization of the Church as it prepares mentalities for an Islamic replacement theology… and encompasses the whole paraphernalia of traditional antisemitism.” Bat Ye’or’s assessment has tragically proven true in the last few decades. Christian Palestinianism is well on its way to de-judaize Yeshua–a job that the gentile branch of Christianity generously contributed to, out of ignorance and sometimes, pure hatred of the Jews over the centuries. Christian Palestinianism will also continue to invalidate much of the Jewish Scriptures as history gets re-written and Jewish references get replaced to accommodate the “Islamization” of the Bible. The Palestinian Jesus can only exist if we ignore biblical truth. To accept that Jesus was the first Palestinian, we first have to agree that Palestinians are real people from the land of Palestine, currently called Israel. That is a false premise to start with, but it needs to be understood as such. Once we are beyond the false premise of Palestine, we also need to stick to the biblical proof that Jesus was a Jew and the Bible is replete with that kind of data. Following are a few examples: *Jesus was a descendant of Jewish patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Genesis 22:18; Matthew 1:1-2 *Jesus came from the Jewish tribe of Judah – Genesis 49:10; Hebrews 7:14 *Jesus was a Jewish prophet like Moses – Deuteronomy 18:15-19 *Jesus was from the line of Jewish king David – 1 Chronicles 17:10-14 *Jesus had Jewish parents – Luke 2:39 *Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day according to Jewish law – Genesis 17:11-14; Luke 2:21 *Jesus was a rabbi – John 1:38, 6:25 *Jesus celebrated the Jewish Feast of Passover – John 2:13 *Jesus celebrated the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles – John 7:2 *Jesus celebrated Hanukkah – John 10:2 *Jesus was called the King of the Jews by Pilate – Mark 15:2 So, no, Jesus is not a Palestinian. Jesus is a Jew. As a matter of fact, He came to the Jewish people first, but eventually, He extended His salvation program to all people who trust in His death and resurrection. Jesus came as the Messiah of Israel, but He became the Saviour of the world. He never was and never will be a Palestinian, but He died for every Jew, Arab, or Gentile in the world, no questions asked and no strings attached.
- Special message regarding this season
I wish I could deliver only just a good news around Christmas time. But, as we count down the hours to the end of 2024, there is no denying we stand at the edge of a world in turmoil. The forces of darkness are marching boldly, seeking to corrupt every corner of creation. We see it in the erosion of liberty, the celebration of evil, and the assault on faith, family, and freedom—the cornerstones of our nations. Indeed, the world around us feels darker than ever. Truth is shackled. Morality is mocked. Our values and, more often than not, our morale are battered about, bruised, and broken. Everywhere we turn, it seems the darkness gains ground. Digital IDs loom over us like chains forged in a technocratic hell. Free speech is suffocated under the guise of combatting “misinformation.” Manufactured inflation crises rob families of their dignity and security. Make no mistake—this isn’t chaos by accident. The globalist elites, the self-appointed rulers of this world, are waging war on truth itself. They seek to control you, your family, and your faith. They want to rewrite creation, erase virtue, and extinguish the light of hope from society. But here’s the truth they can’t rewrite, erase of extinguish: the darkness does not win. It never has, and it never will. But Christmas reminds us of a truth so profound it shakes the foundations of every wicked scheme: the light of Christ cannot be overcome. Well over two thousand years ago, in a humble stable in Bethlehem, the Creator of the universe entered His creation—not as a warrior king, but as a vulnerable child. This was no accident. In the face of worldly power and empire, God sent His Son as the ultimate act of defiance against evil and the ultimate act of love for us. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." —John 1:1-5 Other modern translations use the term “overcome” or “overpower” rather than comprehend. Whatever word you wish to use, let those verses of scripture resonate deeply. This isn’t just a comforting story for hard times; it’s a declaration of war against every force of evil that seeks to destroy what is good, true, and holy. Think about it. The rulers of the age sought to destroy Him from the moment of His birth. Herod sent soldiers to slaughter innocent children in a desperate attempt to snuff out the Saviour of mankind. But the light was not comprehended, overcome or overpowered then, and neither will it be now. Today, we face our own Herods—tyrannical forces who seek to impose control, strip us of our freedoms, and wage war on our faith. They try to convince us that the darkness is winning. They want us to give up, to believe the lies, to abandon hope. That’s because the Enemy works tirelessly to shroud humanity in despair. But yet, like Christ, we must not be overcome or overpowered for “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. That love emanates from the very same light that shattered the darkness in Bethlehem around 2024 years ago. Not just Bethlehem. With those words, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” the Bible indicates that the light penetrated the entire weary world and still does to this very day. That light burns within you and me right now. The Creator of the cosmos didn’t just send His Son to shine light into the darkness—He sent Him to break its grip entirely. And because He dwells among us, we are called to carry that light forward. This Christmas, don’t just celebrate the light—be the light. Stand boldly for your family, for your faith, and for what is right and good and and true. Especially for what is true. Speak the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Teach your children the eternal message of Christ. The rulers of this world want you to feel powerless. They want you to bow to their schemes. But their empires will crumble. Their lies will unravel. And their darkness will flee for: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend (overcome / overpower) it." —John 1:5 The victory is already won. It was born in Bethlehem, lifted high on the cross, and echoes for all eternity because of the empty tomb. This is the message of Christmas: the light of Christ shines, and no force of darkness can extinguish or overcome it. May the light of Christ fill your heart, home, and nation. And may it embolden you to stand firm, knowing the battle is won, and the victory is His, and through Him, it’s also ours
- From Toronto Blessing to Bethel
I think it was around 1985 when I returned to my home church for a visit / furlough. This was the church (Full Gospel / Pentecostal) that send me out & blessed me to go work as a missionary in Eastern Europe & Soviet Union. To my shock & horror this church was divided; there was division over a new "blessing" that was introduced into the church world & was spreading worldwide like a virus. It was tragic, this church had send out quite a few other young people like me, I think around 10, was open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit (but not extreme, quite balanced) & last but not least had regular Biblical teaching on end-time doctrine & Israel. But there were quite some heated arguments, people left, people were hurt & confused. And the ones who claimed to have gotten "it" (The Holy Spirit is a person not an it) were changed in a way that I didn't recognise them. They were pushy, overbearing & mocking Christians that didn't go along or had doubts & questions. Some even mocked those who didn't go along as being baptised in lemon juice. This so-called "Toronto Blessing" might have started sincere seeking God's presence & renewal but the fruit was ugly & the manifestations un-biblical. Those involved often claimed: "But I felt something" or "It felt good" or "I was touched". That can be combined with a Biblical experience but it is not proof in itself that is from God. This example is not an isolated incident but similar things happened worldwide & there is no good lasting fruit. Even though Toronto Airport Church eventually closed it's doors, unfortunately I have observed that the same teachings & manifestations pop up over the years, under different names, movements & so-called "revivals" (Revivals starts with repentance, not with strange un-Biblical teachings & manifestations) The only people in the Bible that fell backwards where the people who came to arrest Jesus. There are many teachings, practices & supernatural manifestations that have been introduced over the last years, but the Word of God / The Scriptures are the final authority in testing manifestations, healings and doctrine: If something can't be backed up from the Bible in the right context, it is not an acceptable doctrine, manifestation, prayer or practice. Some of those teachings & practices are: Prosperity "Gospel", Praying to the Holy Spirit, Falling or "Slain" in the Spirit, Fire tunnels, Sozo (or so called "healing" rooms), they might sound spiritual, but have no sound Doctrinal Biblical support. This does not mean we don't believe in the supernatural, signs wonders & miracles, but they need to backed by the Scriptures & we need to test the spirits 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
- Antisemitism sleeps very lightly
How did we get here? Even in Australia Jewish people aren't safe anymore. This Jew hatred doesn't make sense unless you start looking into the spiritual roots & history. Again a test for the church in Australia & worldwide. The church failed miserably standing up against the Covid mandates & moved again to church as "normal". Now we are at another crossroads, yes here do you & your church stand? To be antisemitic & a Christian; they don't go together! You might say but I don't speak bad about them, but doing nothing is agreeing, remaining silent is condoning. Learn the lesson form the church in Germany from 1933-1940; their silence indirectly led to 6 million Jews to be killed. Listen to these podcasts below, I couldn't say it any better: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ppjVGmmYwY4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBllM8M-sko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL4rwe2IZIw&ab_channel=J-TV%3AJewishIdeas.GlobalRelevance
- The state & condition of the church in the "West"
How good a report card would the church in general get, if we honestly & unbiasedly compare it with the how our Lord addressed the 7 churches in Revelation 2 & 3? From my observation when the church got all "seeker sensitive" & "purpose drive" & "community focussed" (through "social action") we lost the power of the Gospel & more!
- The shocking "behind the scene" truth about Syria
What happened in Syria since 2011 was NOT a civil war. It was a proxy war waged by 100,000+ jihadists flown into Syria from all over the world. In 2010, the NY Times travel section listed "31 best places to visit in the world." And Damascus - capital of Syria - was ranked #7! The West once loved Assad. He was called the "Lion of Damascus." * France gave him the highest award -- Legion of Honour. * Queen Elizabeth invited Assad and his wife * Nancy Pelosi flew to Syria * European + Arab leaders met with him all the time * Even the Pope went to Syria Syria under Assad was secular and moderate. Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, Alawites, Kurds, Armenians in the mainly got along with each other. No Al Qaeda, no Sharia Law, no Muslim Brotherhood. In a 2009 Zogby poll - an American firm - Assad was the most popular leader in the region! But the deep state and its evil friends decided to do a regime change in Syria. The "moderate rebels" were neither moderate nor rebels. They are extremists & head-chopping terrorists aligned with Al Qaeda & ISIS. Al Qaeda = "Al Nusra" = "HTS" (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) US actively planned regime change in Syria as early as 2004. In 2005, CNN's Christiane Amanpour interviewed President Assad, when she brazenly told him that the US is funding Syrian opposition & trying to oust him in a coup. 2011 saw the biggest regime-change operations ever conducted by the US. It was called the Arab Spring. In Egypt, Mubarak was ousted. In Libya, Gaddafi was murdered by NATO. And so on. But Syria was the exception, because Assad was very popular with people and the military. Thus, US deep state recruited Al Qaeda (AQ). Feb 12, 2012: AQ leader Zawahiri called jihadists all over the world to go to Syria & fight Assad ("cancerous regime"). Same day: Jake Sullivan - advisor of Hillary Clinton - sent an email: "Al Qaeda (AQ) is on our side in Syria" Al Qaeda and ISIS got weapons worth billions of dollars. The CIA named its project, "Operation Timber Sycamore." Some Green Beret (US Special Forces) talked about it. General Flynn also wrote the famous memo in 2012, where he told the Pentagon that the groups that opposed Assad consisted of "Al Qaeda, Salafists and Muslim Brotherhood." For that, Flynn was fired! He later joined Trump's campaign. In 2016 Trump said at a forum “Obama is the founder of ISIS. Crooked Hillary Clinton was the co-founder” Al Qaeda leader, Al Golani, is now the presumed leader of Syria. Shortly before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, he joined al-Qaeda in Iraq and fought for three years in the Iraqi insurgency. American forces captured and imprisoned him from 2006 to 2011. His release coincided with the Syrian revolution, and he created the al-Nusra Front in 2012 with the support of al-Qaeda to take part in the Syrian civil war. In an audio statement released on 28 September 2014, al-Julani stated that he would fight the "United States and its allies" In 2017, Trump put a $10 million bounty on Golani. But now that terrorist is whitewashed and glorified by Western propaganda. There were plenty of atrocity propaganda from the jihadists and the West regarding Assad. Like the fake and staged chemical attacks. When it comes to use of chemical weapons, the mainstream narrative has amnesia. The "rebels" - Al Qaeda, ISIS, HTS, Al Nusra, FSA - have produced and used sarin, chlorine and mustard gas in Iraq and Syria for a long time.” What’s tragic about Syria is that a once peaceful country was allowed to be destroyed by the deep state devils. The destruction of Syria has been occurring for over a decade yet the mockingbird media has never called out the involvement of the West. Albeit with much funding from Arab allies who also fund Hamas. Just to be clear I’m sure Assad was no saint, but the deaths being assigned to him last week in the mainstream media are just outright lies. Most of the deaths in Syria were the result of the invasion. Given the lies that were told in order to justify the destruction of Iraq a decade earlier you would think that the media would have been a bit more critical in regards to what was happening in Syria. Of course the mainstream media are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the governments today. Rather than critique the government, they just repeat the government lies feed to them. Of course Syria is just one of many countries that have been destroyed by the deep state. Ukraine and Iran both had their democratic governments overthrown by the CIA. As a matter of fact, Trump himself was probably rolled by the CIA and the FBI in 2020. More and more reveals not just corruption in the election but that January 6 had agent provocateurs planted to distract from Congress scrutinising the election results. We can only hope Trump can end the violence in the Middle East and Ukraine. You can be sure the deep state will do everything to stop him.
- ‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control
The issue of “Climate Change” is one that many Christians do not know how to grapple with. Is planet Earth genuinely on a collision course with catastrophic man-made climate change, or is this another issue that requires critical and Biblical examination? It’s really a battle to understand the difference between observational science, what you actually observe, and historical science, your beliefs and interpretations about the past when you weren’t there. Observational science is one thing. That’s the science that builds our technology. But when it comes to historical science—beliefs about the past—they can be very subjective & biased, based on a un-Biblical worldview. Record-keeping for carbon dioxide levels goes back only 70 years and “accurate” temperature measurements a mere 40 years. These computer models are all based on evolutionary assumptions and if those evolutionary assumptions are not true, their computer models are certainly not true. The information the scientists are putting out, are actually contradictory to observational science. For example, when it comes to carbon dioxide, they say [burning] oil and gas is increasing the temperature in the atmosphere. Actually, true observational science shows that when the temperature in the atmosphere increases, carbon dioxide levels decrease, and when the temperature decreases, carbon dioxide levels increase. So it’s totally different to what they’re saying. Furthermore carbon dioxide is painted in a villainous light, but it is not a pollutant. [Carbon dioxide] is a very important gas, and it only consists of 0.4% of our atmospheric gasses. Think about that. It’s only 0.4%. It’s a very, very small g as. There is no proof at all human emissions are the driving force for environmental changes or climate changes. Similar to creation scientists, numerous experts in the field have been shunned by the scientific community and censored for contradicting claims of man-made climate change. They get all the media publicity, which is the same with the whole creation-evolution issue. Creationists don’t get good coverage in the media, but evolution is pushed and assumed, and people are brainwashed to believe it’s true. Greg Wrightstone, a geologist and climate expert, who was banned from LinkedIn for questioning the climate narrative. He posted very interesting and very scientific charts and facts on temperature data through time, [carbon dioxide’s] relationship with temperature to show that throughout geologic time, CO2 really hasn’t been the control knob of the Earth’s climate,” Wrightstone explained. “We’re dangerous. They cannot allow our factually-based presentations to get out to the public, because what we say makes sense and it’s backed up by science.” “We’re rational, thoughtful people that are scientists—that are distinguished scientists—and we’re presenting this information,” he continued, adding that people “are being lied to on a daily basis about climate change and its ramifications.” The Religion Of Climate Alarmism If solid scientific research is not the driving force behind the claims of “climate change,” what is? There’s something else going on here. What’s going on here is the fact that the climate change movement is a religion. It’s an anti-God religion based on evolutionary assumptions. It’s a religion where man believes he will save himself and save the planet. And it’s a religion that creates fear. “The modern climate change movement is a religion that worships man and worships the creation, and basically sees man as a blight upon the earth. “They let the creation have dominion over man. Their whole worldview is wrong, their interpretation of the evidence is wrong, and it’s going to have bad consequences. Power-Driven False Prophets The fear-based climate religion also has a whole host of “false prophets.” “Al Gore was featured in a documentary in 2006 called "Inconvenient Truth". He’s a false prophet. none of his prophecies came true. He’s prophesying again today but why should people even believe or even listen to him? Man is not going to destroy the Earth. The Doomsday Clock is just not true. And again, it’s meant to create fear,” he stressed. “It all comes back to people who want control—people who want power. John Kerry is another false prophet, when John Kerry came back from the World Economic Forum, and this was a year or so ago, he said [that] there is an elite group of people that are going to save mankind and going to save the planet. In other words, he is saying that man is his own saviour. Man is his own god, and there’s an elite group of people who are going to control everything so that they can control you. That’s really what it’s all about. A Symptom Of Man’s Rebellion Through the Bible, we can plainly see that the claims of climate change run in direct contradiction to God. Primarily, we know that God has given man dominion over creation ( Genesis 1:26 ) and are assured that the future God has foretold regarding planet Earth does not include destruction by man-made climate catastrophe ( 2 Peter 3:7 , Revelation 21:1 ). The climate change movement is just another symptom of man in his rebellion against God, that’s really what’s happening here. When you read Romans 1, what happens when man worships the creation instead of the Creator? He turns them over to foolish things, and he turns them over to perverse ways. A lot of what’s being said in regard to the climate change agenda is foolishness. People need to get the truth on this. Once [individuals] realize they don’t have the data, it’s all interpreted based on evolutionary assumptions, then they will realize how much they’ve been brainwashed and manipulated. When you believe God’s word, that’s when you understand the truth. It’s a worldview battle at a foundational level, it’s really a spiritual battle between God’s Word and man’s word.”
- The Most Persistent Lie Leveled Against The Rapture
A few years ago I met for a coffee with a Christian brother to encourage one another in the faith. But unfortunately it turned out to be a "rapture attacking session" , even though I never brought it up. He must have figured out what I believe from other sources. He kept referring to the fact I was deceive by Darby. I have never read Darby, but some time I probably will when I will find the time. It’s the most persistent lie concerning the Rapture. I have either read or heard it more times than I can count. Though it’s been debunked countless times, a great many saints remain convinced that the doctrine of the pre-Tribulation Rapture originated with John Darby. Although they insist that no one believed in such a thing before him, it’s simply not true. Let me be clear: If anyone tells you that this teaching originated with John Darby, they are either purposely misleading you or have themselves been the victim of someone deceiving them about the origin of our “blessed hope.” If The Bible Is True, There Must Be A Rapture Regardless of the timing of the Rapture, the teaching that Jesus will someday appear and catch-up both dead and living saints to meet Him in the air is biblically-based. Scripture provides several details regarding the sequence of events that we now refer to as the “Rapture.” The late Dr. Ed Hindson, former professor at Liberty University, beloved Bible scholar, and author, put it this way: If you disagree on the timing of the rapture, please don’t tell people, “There’s never going to be a rapture.” No, there must be a rapture or the Bible is not true. There must be a time when the archangel shouts, when the trumpet sounds, and the dead in Christ are raised and the living are caught up (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18). We may differ on the timing of the rapture but not the fact of the rapture. We find references to the “Rapture” in John 14:2–3 ; 1 Corinthians 15:50–55 ; Philippians 3:20–21 ; Romans 8:23–25 ; Titus 2:11–14 ; and Colossians 3:4 . Putting these passages together, we arrive at a series of events that comprise our “blessed hope.” If the Bible is true, there must be a still future time when Jesus appears, raises the dead in Christ, and catches living believers up to meet Him in the air ( 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 ; 1 Corinthians 15:47-55 ). Since the words of these texts have never reached fulfilment anytime in the past, they point to a yet future reality, which we call the Rapture. It’s the time the Lord gives us our immortal and glorified bodies, the essence of our future experience of eternal life. Because the Bible is true, the event we now designate as the Rapture awaits a future and certain fulfilment. The Origin Of The Word Many people object to our hope of meeting Jesus in the air because the word “Rapture” doesn’t appear on the pages of Scripture. However, that’s not true; it appears in a previous version of the Bible. Long ago, it appeared in a Latin translation from about AD 400 called the Vulgate. The Vulgate used the Latin word rapturo to translate the Greek word harpazo in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 . The words “caught up” in our English translations capture the essence of the Greek harpazo in the text just as the Latin rapturo , the origin of our word “Rapture,” did when Jerome and others translated the Bible into Latin. In his book Dispensationalism Before Darby , Dr. William C. Watson lists ten instances of Bible scholars using the word the word “Rapture” beginning with Joseph Mede in 1627 through the time of Thomas Broughton, an English pastor, in 1768. In the centuries after the Reformation, the usage of the word “Rapture” to describe the event depicted below in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 became commonplace in many protestant churches. In a letter that he wrote about these verses, Joseph Mede used the word “Rapture” six times when referring to this verse. Even though Joseph Mede didn’t place Jesus’ appearing before the start of the Tribulation period, his usage of the word “Rapture” establishes a four-hundred-year history of Bible students using the word “Rapture” to refer the event that the Apostle Paul wrote about in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 . Two centuries before John Darby was born, the word “Rapture” was already commonly use in Bible-believing churches. Early Beliefs In A Rapture Before A Time Of Tribulation The belief that Jesus would take His saints out of the earth before a time of Tribulation on the earth dates back to the first centuries of the church. In AD 180, Irenaeus wrote Against Heresies to refute the errors of Gnosticism, which posed a great threat to the church at the time. In Against Heresies , Book 5, Chapter 29, he wrote: And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be suddenly caught up from this, it is said, “There shall be Tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.” In the above quote, Irenaeus used the same Greek word for “caught up,” harpazo , that Paul used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 for the Lord catching up living believers to meet Him in the air. Irenaeus specifically placed the fulfillment of this verse ahead of the time of “Tribulation” that Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:21 and thus before the Second Coming, which the Lord said would happen after this time of judgment on the earth (Matthew 247:29). This highly respected theologian of the early church envisioned a fulfillment of the harpazo followed by a time of extended Tribulation on the earth. He regarded the Rapture and Second Coming as two distinct occurrences separated by at least the second half of the seven-year Tribulation. Cyprian (AD 210-258), a bishop in the city of Carthage, guided his church through a period of intense persecution and suffering during which time he also became a martyr. In his book, Treatises of Cyprian , he wrote: We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world and restores us to paradise and the kingdom. Cyprian believed in “an early departure” of the Church before further disasters occurred on the earth. He believed the time of additional trouble was “imminent” and thus also a “departure.” He believed that the Lord would take believers out of the world so they wouldn’t experience the troubling times ahead for those left behind. His reference to “snatches us” sounds just like the catching up of the Church in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 . Cyprian’s beliefs signify a third century AD belief in a pre-Tribulation Rapture . Another unmistakable reference to the pre-Tribulation Rapture comes from Ephraim of Edessa (AD 306–373), who was a poet, a writer of hymns, and a preacher. The quote below comes from Ephraem’s sermon entitled “On the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World.” Some historians believe someone else wrote it in AD 622 and ascribed it to Ephraem in order to lend credibility to it. Dr. Grant Jeffrey, who did extensive research on this sermon and obtained a translation of it on his own from a Greek scholar, believes it’s more likely that Ephraem himself preached the sermon sometime around AD 323, just a couple years before the Nicene church council. Believe you me, dearest brother, because the coming (advent) of the Lord is nigh, believe you me, because the end of the world is at hand, believe me, because it is the very last time. Or do you not believe unless you see with your eyes? See to it that this sentence be not fulfilled among you of the prophet who declares: “Woe to those who desire to see the day of the Lord!” For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins. The above quote dates back to the early fourth century AD. Even if we concede that someone wrote this sermon in AD 622, as some maintain, we still have a definitive adherence to it a pre-Tribulation Rapture 1,200 years before the birth of John Darby! The above sampling of quotes are valid and accepted translations that clearly establish early beliefs within the church of Jesus taking His church out of the world before a time of great tribulation on the earth and returning to the earth with His saints after this time of trouble. Back To The Bible This attempt to discredit the Rapture by making it seem as though it’s a relatively new and thus an unfounded belief is an effort to divert our focus from what the Bible teaches us about our “blessed hope” ( Titus 2:11-14 ). The witness of church history confirms that the scripturally-sound doctrine of the pre-Tribulation Rapture existed in the earliest centuries of the church. More importantly than that, however, is what the Bible says. The Rapture is a clearly defined occurrence in such passages as 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 , John 14:2–3 , 1 Corinthians 15:50–55 , Philippians 3:20–21 , Romans 8:23–25 , Titus 2:11–14 , and Colossians 3:4 . The majority of Bible-believing churches during the twentieth century not only adhered to a pre-Tribulation Rapture, but its pastors also unashamedly proclaimed it to their parishioners. The widespread popularity of this belief resulted from the biblically-sound teaching of a great many devout men of God during the late 1800s and early 1900s. John Darby was one of many who taught and wrote about our “blessed hope.”
- A banner against the flood of sexual perversion
A GROUP OF leading Australian clergy, including Archbishop Julian Porteous and Bishop Glenn Davies, have written and affirmed a new Christian creed to clarify and emphasise the unchanging Christian belief in sexual integrity. There are currently more than 20 different “ pride flags “, promoting radical political agendas and fringe sexual philosophies such as “LGBT”, “transgender”, “drag feather” and “genderflux”. The new website to explain and promote The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity explains the symbolism of its flag: Flags are powerful symbols of unity, visibility and common conviction. The cross of Christ, being the most recognisable Christian symbol on the planet, serves in this logo both to clearly differentiate male and female, and to unite them. It is from His cross that Christ reaches out in love to a diverse world in need of redemption. The blue and red closest to the cross follow the colours of the Australian national flag. We encourage churches, Christian schools, Bible colleges, ministries, mission organisations and other Christian groups who affirm the creed to display its logo on their websites as a clear statement of their fidelity to biblical truth. Creeds have been necessary since the early Centuries after Christ founded this global movement to clarify and affirm long held doctrines of the Church. They are deemed necessary after false teaching and heresies develop, taking some Christians away from orthodox doctrine. The signatories to The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity have identified heresies abounding in the area of human sexuality which need correcting. As a modern creed, Christians from many denominations and religious groups were involved in its development. This creed affirms the timeless teachings of the Church regarding sexual integrity, and that articulates God’s glorious design for sex and marriage as revealed in Holy Scripture. In the 2020s have seen an avalanche of lawfare and political activism against Christian preachers and institutions, deliberately designed to silence and censor traditional Christian beliefs, particularly in the area of sexuality. The drafters of The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity hope that it can be used to help legally protect Christian congregations, educational institutions, ministries, mission organisations as well as individuals from vexatious litigation and legislation intended to restrict the teaching and exercise of Christian beliefs. They additionally explain their vision for the Creed to serve as a clear means for Christian organisations to publicly demonstrate their support for authentic virtue by posting the Creed’s logo on their website, as this publication now does in its footer on every page The Australian Creed for Sexual Integrity and its logo have been created for free use by Christians from every nation under Creative Commons licence.