As we know, the Devil, is the father of all lies.
Besides lying his other speciality is imitating, with the false or pseudo, "lookalikes"
When the nation of Israel in 1948 was resurrected, so to speak with their own flag, the Evil one, the accuser of the brethren, resurrected another group of people, also in 1948:
The so-called "Palestinians" which are mostly of Arab descend, mixed in with other people groups, some even say from Eastern Europe.
Regardless they have never been a nation before & still aren't.
But they are living in the same geographical location, as the "Philistines", the arch enemies of Israel in the Old Testament.
Biblical & other historical evidence is pointing to the fact that these people don't exist anymore as a nation or people group.
Is this as coincidence, no I don't think so!
Compare the colours of the "Palestinian" flag with the colours of the 4 Horseman in Revelation 6!
And also look at the historical meaning of these colours.
And then compare this with the beautiful Israeli flag & the meaning of the colours.
Look at the images below and judge for your self.
