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Understanding God as Creator is foundational

As a young man in High School in the Netherlands I was also taught "Evolution Theory" & "Darwinism". But somehow this never stuck with me & didn't make sense even though I was certainly not a Christian at that time. I was amazed at the things I saw growing up on a farm. Seeing the geese flying over in V-formation, coming from Scandinavia flying south to the South of France or even as far as Spain in order to survive the winter. How did they know what to do?

This is one of the many examples I saw & pondered on. Sadly many churches, Bible Schools & Seminaries have interpreted the Creation Narrative symbolically & no longer believe in a literal 6 day Creation & relatively young earth. If we move away from this foundational teaching, then we are on a slippery slope as it is key to understanding & believing God & the Scriptures as a whole !

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