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Special message regarding this season

I wish I could deliver only just a good news around Christmas time. But, as we count down the hours to the end of 2024, there is no denying we stand at the edge of a world in turmoil. The forces of darkness are marching boldly, seeking to corrupt every corner of creation. We see it in the erosion of liberty, the celebration of evil, and the assault on faith, family, and freedom—the cornerstones of our nations.

Indeed, the world around us feels darker than ever. Truth is shackled. Morality is mocked. Our values and, more often than not, our morale are battered about, bruised, and broken. Everywhere we turn, it seems the darkness gains ground. Digital IDs loom over us like chains forged in a technocratic hell. Free speech is suffocated under the guise of combatting “misinformation.” Manufactured inflation crises rob families of their dignity and security.

Make no mistake—this isn’t chaos by accident. The globalist elites, the self-appointed rulers of this world, are waging war on truth itself. They seek to control you, your family, and your faith. They want to rewrite creation, erase virtue, and extinguish the light of hope from society.

But here’s the truth they can’t rewrite, erase of extinguish: the darkness does not win. It never has, and it never will.

But Christmas reminds us of a truth so profound it shakes the foundations of every wicked scheme: the light of Christ cannot be overcome. Well over two thousand years ago, in a humble stable in Bethlehem, the Creator of the universe entered His creation—not as a warrior king, but as a vulnerable child. This was no accident. In the face of worldly power and empire, God sent His Son as the ultimate act of defiance against evil and the ultimate act of love for us.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."

—John 1:1-5

Other modern translations use the term “overcome” or “overpower” rather than comprehend. Whatever word you wish to use, let those verses of scripture resonate deeply. This isn’t just a comforting story for hard times; it’s a declaration of war against every force of evil that seeks to destroy what is good, true, and holy.

Think about it. The rulers of the age sought to destroy Him from the moment of His birth. Herod sent soldiers to slaughter innocent children in a desperate attempt to snuff out the Saviour of mankind. But the light was not comprehended, overcome or overpowered then, and neither will it be now.

Today, we face our own Herods—tyrannical forces who seek to impose control, strip us of our freedoms, and wage war on our faith. They try to convince us that the darkness is winning. They want us to give up, to believe the lies, to abandon hope. That’s because the Enemy works tirelessly to shroud humanity in despair.

But yet, like Christ, we must not be overcome or overpowered for “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. That love emanates from the very same light that shattered the darkness in Bethlehem around 2024 years ago.

Not just Bethlehem. With those words, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” the Bible indicates that the light penetrated the entire weary world and still does to this very day. That light burns within you and me right now.

The Creator of the cosmos didn’t just send His Son to shine light into the darkness—He sent Him to break its grip entirely. And because He dwells among us, we are called to carry that light forward.

This Christmas, don’t just celebrate the light—be the light. Stand boldly for your family, for your faith, and for what is right and good and and true. Especially for what is true. Speak the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Teach your children the eternal message of Christ.

The rulers of this world want you to feel powerless. They want you to bow to their schemes. But their empires will crumble. Their lies will unravel. And their darkness will flee for:

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend (overcome / overpower) it."

—John 1:5

The victory is already won. It was born in Bethlehem, lifted high on the cross, and echoes for all eternity because of the empty tomb. This is the message of Christmas: the light of Christ shines, and no force of darkness can extinguish or overcome it.

May the light of Christ fill your heart, home, and nation. And may it embolden you to stand firm, knowing the battle is won, and the victory is His, and through Him, it’s also ours

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