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Is the Pope the False Prophet?

Revelation 13: 11-12 Amplified Bible

Then I saw another beast rising up out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon.  He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence [when the two are together]. And he makes the earth and those who inhabit it worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

We don't know for sure of course, but he seems to fit the profile.

At the least he is a false prophet & he certainly is not a Christian.

Pope Francis is revealing himself to be a blatant Marxist. He has also pulled back from issues Catholics have considered sacred. Besides making homosexuality acceptable in the church, he apparently has replaced abortion with social justice and environmentalism. Most troubling, however, is his call for a “new world order” and that there be a global constitution, a global court and a one-world government. Scripture is clear that the Antichrist will be the head of a one-world government (Revelation 13).

Even conservative Catholics are sounding a warning that Pope Francis–the first Jesuit Pope–may be the most troubling Pope ever. He is raising apocalyptic concerns and some in the eschatological community feel that he, indeed, has gotten the nod to be the False Prophet.

Roger Oakland, a former Catholic, writes, “According to Bible prophecy, a one-world religion that will offer the promise of peace throughout the world is going to commence prior to Christ’s return. To most, this global body will seem like a wonderful thing and very possibly will be a pseudo-Christianity (coming in the Name of Christ); however, contrary to how the masses will view it, it will actually help establish and set up the Antichrist and his one-world government.”

He continues, “In order for this to happen, all religions must come together in an ecumenical plan. Today, as part of this Satanic scheme, the evangelical/Protestant church is being drawn seductively into the Roman Catholic Church, largely through what we call ‘the Jesuit agenda.’ Incredibly, while the evidence is obvious to some, the majority of proclaiming Christians are not at all aware it is happening.”

So what should we expect if we are in the time when such a system unfolds? First, many who once were Protestant and Evangelical will become ecumenical. Second, all religions will unite in solidarity of purpose. Understanding the Jesuit agenda is essential if we are to understand how this worldwide deception will come about.”

Francis, in 2014, sent a video message to Kenneth Copeland urging reconciliation between Catholics and Charismatics, a move cheered by Copeland’s audience. The video’s introduction was delivered by a friend of Francis, Anglican Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer, who told Copeland’s audience that “Catholic and Charismatic renewal is the hope of the Church.”

Pope Francis is making a plea for the union of many faiths. He reportedly has said, “Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world.” He opened the door to Muslim prayers at the Vatican.

Can you say one-world religion?

Pope Francis has spoken at the White House, Congress, and the U.N. pushing climate change and “sustainable development” which is again all about global government! One has to wonder where he fits the gospel into his agenda. It doesn’t appear as though it does. One writer calls him a “wolf in Pope’s clothing.”

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