Why I am a dispensationalist, premillennial & pre-trib
Because I take the Bible literally, even when some kind of poetic language is used like symbol, or metaphor, something literal is being...
Harvest Church Caloundra
Why I am a dispensationalist, premillennial & pre-trib
Many will rush here and there
Why we support Israel & continue to do so
Is the Pope the False Prophet?
Are you also fed up with the "Rapture Doctrine" being mocked & attacked?
It is all about control
Has Israel been replaced by the church?
The Last Trumpet
It is an upside down world !
The rise of the restored Roman Empire
Beware of deception in the Last Days Church
Why do the nations rage?
COVID (Control, Oppress, Victimise, Isolate, Divide)
Jesus was a Jew, not a Palestinian
There has never been a State of Palestine